Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Idiots Out Wandering Around

So, how 'bout those Republicans, huh?  This group is about as exciting as watching grass grow.  I think the whole primary system is screwing us.  Its almost like a bad performance and you're out.  In this day of instant communications that may not be the best idea.  I think some of our greatest presidents would be unelectable in 2012.  Can you imagine Thomas Jefferson trying to get Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck's endorsement?

Now Bachmann is out...good riddance.  I'm sure as a member of Congress she represents her constituents well.  But she clearly does not represent any sort of significant amount of Americans.  Shes a wingnut.  Not to mention, a bad performance and you pack it in 12hrs later?  Sounds like someone who knew they had no chance but just wanted to get the book deals and TV shows.

I think we need a serious 3rd party in this country.  Right now we have two sides who pander to the lowest common denominator.  And the talking head cheerleaders just keep cheering them on, because conflict = ratings.  The fact of the matter is that most of us lie in the middle and we're left with picking the lesser of two evils or the "not-Bush"/"not-Obama" candidate.  Id like to think maybe Romney can break out of the mold...but there's still Congress.

Maybe what we need is more common folk to run for national office.  Politics shouldn't be a should be a service to your country and fellow man.  Sometimes I think I would love to run for office.  Then I remember that I'm not rich and not willing to have my private life and family dragged (drug?) through the mud because my opponent/the media busy bodies don't share my sense of patriotism and fair play.  Ah well, pass me the favorite *insert-crap-reality-show here* is on.

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